Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I haven't hid the fact that I have been pregnant but haven't posted anything about it because I wanted to wait until I went and confirmed with the doctor.  I had the ultrasound a few days ago and it's true....there's a little peanut inside me with a beating heart and everything.  According to my ultrasound I was 10.5 weeks along putting my due date in Feb.  But they stuck with my original due date of March 5th which was according to my last period.  This next part might be a little TMI for some people but I found out that I must ovulate a week later than most...and I have a tilted uterus!?!?! if anyone wanted to know :)  Which is why I am always a week past due.so really I am just spot on at 40 weeks.

This pregnancy has been way different then my previous 2 in that I have had symptoms.  I had none with the first two.  I have been sick all day and so tired and lazy with no desire to do anything productive.  Craig has been so frustrated with me because of it and I am hoping it won't last much longer....Because right now I am a big fat pile of useless space.

On another note...we finally heard word from the bank regarding our offer on the doll house and they ACCEPTED!!! We close on the 28th of this month and besides a few stressful hiccups the last few weeks, everything looks good to go.

so in a way a lot has seemed to happen and yet nothing has happened!!!!  But school is about to start for the kids and a new town with a house awaits us and things are about to happen wether we are ready for them or not.  wish us luck!!!


Lindz_e said...

yay good luck ! I have a tilted uterus too =)

Camile said...

Tell Craig that he wouldn't feel so frustrated with you if he knew what it was like to be pregnant for 10.5 weeks (let alone 40 weeks)!! And, you are not useless space - there is a BABY growing inside of you!!!! Holy cow - CONGRATS!!! Take it easy and say nice things to yourself and tell your hubby that he needs to as well. :)

I definitely wish you good luck with the next BIG events in your life - new house, new baby - very big!

linds said...

YeAH! Congrats and good luck! So happy for you guys with everything!