Sunday, April 4, 2010

and then there were 5

We got all 5 babies together this Easter. Landen is only 1 week old and the twins will be 2 weeks this tuesday. Ivan is 1 month today and Keegan is 7 weeks. He has gotten so big, i'm sure he has surpassed Ivan in weight although it still looks like Ivan might still have him in height. but they are pretty close. Ivan hasn't filled out his legs like Keegan has.. Ivan still has little Craiger stick legs. We will see if that changes :) Cole has changed a lot since I last saw him. His bruise on his head is gone and he is looking more and more like Luke and Derek all the time. (I think) They both look like little wrinkled toothless turtles and if you know me then you will know I love that :) So cute! I can't believe how great landen looks at only one week old. He isn't all splotchy or swollen looking at all. Ivan still looks "newborn" and he is 3 weeks older.

Here is a video of the 5 boys. If you look at cole he is trying to eat Landen..It was so funny. Lindsey had just fed him and he is one hungry boy all the time. He eats 3 times as much as Luke. Chris (Keegan's daddy) is walking behind then and you can see Ivan following him around as he walks back and forth.

Landen, Cole, Luke, Ivan, Keegan (from youngest to oldest)

They're the 5 starters for the Huskies basketball team 2023 or some have said the youngest boy band.

here is another same thing.

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