Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kaydence Recital, Cherry Festival and Craig's Birthday: BUSY THURSDAY

um guess who forgot her camera yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uggg for the LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  At least I was able to get this one of her before the recital.  Talk about "flower girl"!!!

We went to the cherry festival this afternoon and I brought my camera and took pictures of the kids on their rides...I was going to just leave it in the car so I wouldn't forget it, but I didn't want it to get too hot so I brought it in...good thing because I needed it to take pictures of Craig blowing out his candles for his birthday...but then I left it on the kitchen counter as we rushed out the door in order to get kaydence back to the festival for her recital.....ugg!  She was once again very will just have to believe me :)


Craig's sister came down from Nampa with her husband Derek and little girl Rylie and watched... and then we rode some rides and played some carnival games afterwards...then came back home and played rock band **(apparently it's World Tour from Guitar hero)....Craig's Birthday Present.

Kaydence and Soren had a blast, and could have gone all day on these rides. (just as long as its not the roller coaster again )


Craig Atkinson said...

It's not "rock band," its Guitar Hero World Tour. Rock Band is a whole other game.

Katyanne said...

Well world tour sounds like its just the guitar instead of the whole band

Mandy said...

when did the kids and craig get so old?? lol.

Lindz_e said...

It was so much fun =)