Friday, March 5, 2010


It is now 6 in the morning and the nurse at St. Luke's hospital just came in to check my little boy Ivan's vitals. He has been asleep since 9 last night. They woke him at 3 to do more vitals, gave him a shot and weighed him and I nursed him and that's it. he has slept so good for only being less than a day old. I however have not taken advantage of this because I have been up every 2 hours checking on him and not at all tired!!! (weird) I just want to look at him and cuddle with him.

At 7.30 am Craig and I entered the labor and delivery devision at the hospital for our scheduled induction. By about 9 I was on pitocin and ready to go. But by noon I had not progressed at all!!!!! My sister had 2 failed inductions just a few months earlier but they reassured me that it doesn't happen often....Well apparently pitocin doesn't work in my family :( The doctor came in around 1 and broke my water to see if that would start anything. I have had success starting by just breaking my water with the other 2. My contractions actually started to pick up and do something. I was a 3 by 3 in the afternoon and 50% effaced. I knew I wanted an epidural but just didn't know when to get it. I didn't want to get one to early and have it slow down any progress. I waited till about 4:15 when I finally asked for one. (which takes about 45 minutes to get the right fluids in me and call anesthesiologist to prick me) Everyone was telling me I was such a trooper and a stoic since I wasn't making any fuss with pain all day. They had to stick me 3 times to get an iv in which didn't phase me a second. The epidural guy had to stick me 3 TIMES as well because apparently I have very tough ligaments. My blood pressure has always been low but the machine beeped at us every 15 minutes all day because of it. The contractions were pretty painful as i was waiting for epidural and I felt very nauseous and had to consintrate on breathing. When they checked me after putting in epidural I was at 9.5 and ready to go. Contractions turned into very heavy cramps in lower abdomen and I could now feel this kids whole body plunging forward out of me. But had to wait a few more contractions for doctor to arrive and for me to reach the full 10 centimeters. Finally!!!!!! doctor arrived and we got ready because the urge to push was getting to hard to pull back. When we were all ready to go it took one contraction and about 3 hard pushes to get him out. The second got his head and the third got his body. Not gonna lie that last push hurt just a little :) And my very calm stoic silent nature vanished as i let out a scream heard around the world which felt like I shot Ivan across the room. And yes I actually do remember apologizing for that thinking I did actually just shoot him across the room :) He was born at 5:07 PM And about 5:20 i started to get some relief with the epidural. :P

Ivan weight in at just over 9 lbs and was 21 inches long. he had quite a bit of really dark curly hair and dark eyes that appear to have a blue halo. He has a little birth mark we noticed on his left arm. He was awake and alert until about 9 when my family left the hospital so we could sleep. We went and gave him a bath and I nursed him and he has been asleep ever since. We can already tell he is just going to be a great easy going kid.

His eyes are starting to wake up now! and he is just laying there looking around very quiet and calm. Im going to get off computer now so I can hold this cute little perfect baby so good morning to everyone and WELCOME BABY IVAN to the world :)


Erika and Jason said...

Yeah that is so exciting. Can't wait to see pictures.

Erin said...

Congratulations! He sounds so sweet. I can't wait to see photos.

linds said...

Oh hooray! So fun! So glad he's here!

Mandy said...

Good job, Katy! He is so perfect! How did Kaydence and Soren respond to their brand new baby brother?

Annie said...

You are a trooper! Congrats on your new little addition.

Hugo Family said...

Oh Katy he is just perfect!!!! So cute I can't wait to meet that little guy. I hope Mama is doing good too!!!