Wednesday, October 22, 2008

8 tag

8 favorite TV shows
1.   24
2.  Grey's Anatomy 
3.  House
4.  Heroes
5.  Law and Order (SVU)
6.  Brothers and Sisters
7.  lipstick jungle
8.  Gossip Girl

8 Things I did Yesterday
1.  Had lunch with Alise Wrigley
2.  Went to Walmart
3.  Went to Michaels
4.  Went to joanns
5.  Made scarfs and Hats for Kids (see previous post)
6. Washed the Dishes
7.  Went to Zumba Class (Latin Based Dance aerobics. )
8. did 3 loads of laundry

8 Favorite Places to Eat
1.  Texas RoadHouse
2.  Wingers
3.  Chinese (in Pullman)
4.  Applebees
5. Mexican (anywhere...never really been to a terrible one)...don't get to go much because craig doesn't like it
6.  Burger King (we don't have one around so I never get to go, but it is my all time favorite fast food)
7.  Dominoes
8.  Dennys

8 Things I'm Looking forward to
1.  Craig Graduating for Law School, passing the bar in Feb and finding a Job
2.  The gas prices dropping like crazy (we filled up at 2.60 the other day)
3.  Buying a house
4.  Dropping Kaydence off at preschool
5.  having a shower to today
6.  STRIKE Class today at 5:30...ummm dilemma its at the same time as Kaydence last soccer game...
7.  Being Established in an area long enough to actually start working on building my Photography Business
8.  My sister Shelby becoming a Stewardess and all of her siblings (ME) getting 50% off airfare.

8 things on my Wish List
(Pretty much the same list as before)
1.  Craig passing the bar and finding a great job
2.  Buying a house
3.  Going to the east coast
4.  Go on a cruise
5.  2 more kids (possible one set of twins)
6.  a great studio
7.  losing weight
8.  Get a maid (good wish list item camille)

8 Things I love about this Fall
1.  Getting all my sweaters out.  Its so much easier to "look nice" for dinner or an activity or meeting with a sweater than trying to find a great outfit.
2.  the great settings for Pictures
3.  Preschool starting back up
4.  This fall is the last semester of school for craig
5.  this fall I have been really crafty...weird because this semester I left all my sewing stuff and scrapbooking supplies in emmett so we didn't have to pack it up here and then back in december...of corse I don't have everything and I finally get the desire
6.  this fall the gas prices dropped  a whole dollar.
7.  My friend Alise who has been trying for 3 years got pregnant and also my sister who has been trying for baby number 2 for a year now is pregnant.  **something is in this fall air**
8. that said pregnancy from above (alise) caused her to quit her job and have more time for ME. :)

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