Monday, October 27, 2008

brace yourself!!!!!!!

So I walk in my bathroom this late morning around ooooo  maybe 11ish and find this wonderful surprise.

Im thinking.....please GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am not using this in vain...I was seriously on my knees praying) do not let that be what I think it is.  ** I had a hair extensions under my sink that I was trying so desperately to convince myself it was.. other than the fact that it's brown and this hair is clearly blond.  I think how!!! I just saw kaydnece a second a go and didn't notice anything unusual....

K! A! Y! D! E! N! C! E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this my dear friends is why I entitled this "brace yourself"







Ok! so this is clearly something mortifying beyond all description.  

You hear about stories like this...

But to actually have it happen to you...and to your precious princess who has the most gorgeous blond locks in the world.

Lets just say there were major tears!!!!!

I don't think there is really anything you can do at this point to fix something like this.  I put her new fleece hat I just made for her on and sent her to school and she didn't take it off the whole time! I ran to the store and picked her up 4 hats and some headbands and pretty much for the next 3 months you will not see her without one.  I just start tearing up just thinking about it.

We have an appointment at what looks like a very nice expensive salon in about an hour..not that I think they are miracle workers which is clearly what is needed at this point, but you got to do what you got to do right!!!!

stay tuned!!!  if there are no after pictures to make all this so hilariously funny its because the fancy expensive salon was a failed attempt. 


Jill W said...

No! I guess the only thing I can say is, it will grow back. Someday.

Nicole said...

That is so sad! She is still a little beauty though.

H A L to the G C's Ma said...

How did you keep from killing her? I don't think I could have handled it the way you did. Go You!

The Wendt Family said...

Oh NO!!!! I loved Her hair!

Karla said...

Every Mom's nightmare.... When Katie cut hers she went clear around her head to the scalp. Marci (the beautician said) "I've never seen one this good (meaning bad)!!! And Katie's hair grows slower than anyone's I've ever seen. A couple years later she cut Kara's hair while she was sitting in her infant seat (yes she was a baby)!! So watch out!!! I always thought my scissors were well hidden!!?!! I do know how you feel!!