Monday, February 23, 2009

BAR TIME!!! updated...again.....AND AGAIN!!!

ok so day THREE is done!!!! which means the bar is done!!!! he finished and is so relieved to finally get a moment to breathe.  I didn't really get much out of him as so how he feels he did...I think he feels it could go either way.  We won't know if he passed for 6 what do we do!  We need to plan a trip, thats what.  any suggestions???  

ok so day TWO is done!!!!! which also means the essay portions are completely done!!!! Tomorrow will be the multiple choice questions which Craig normally does really well on and we are hoping can boost the lack of writing skills score on the essays for a combined score of PASSING!!!!  He didn't get any questions today that he wasn't at least familiar with so that's good.  He actually commented that they seemed too "SIMPLE".  from what he gathered from previous questions and practice test which were more complicated and convoluted and he just didn't know what they were going for or where to start.  So I don't know if him thinking they were too simple is a good thing or a bad thing...   

He has been really focused on essays and memorizing case studies and rules the last 2 weeks, he is really going to have to study hard tonight to get his mind set back on multiple choice questioning.  He scored in the 94%tile on this section for the barbri national graded hopefully he will do just as well on the real one.  cross your fingers :)  

ok so day one is done!!!!!  It was idaho essays and Craig feels he did really well on 3 out of the 4 topics.  He kind of BS'ed his way through a constitutional law questions which he didn't think would be on the idaho section..but 3 out of 4 isn't bad.  

Well its Monday Feb..23rd..the day we have been dreading for 6 months.  Craig left this morning to go to Boise for 3 days to take the Bar!!!!!!!  I have been a nervous reck all morning and can't even imagine what Craig is going though.  These next 3 days will be the worst experience and I think a decade worth of anxiety but hopefully it works out because no one wants to have to do this again. 


Natalie said...

I remember the day.... the only day with more emotion is the day you are looking for your name on the pass list. I just started to scream and then cry when I saw that Brian had passed. They put SO much time and energy into it!!! GOOD LUCK! We'll be thinking of you!!

Sarah Brimhall said...

Bryce just turned in his thesis today!!! YOU GUYS SHOULD COME VISIT US!! :) We're really close to Disneyland!!

Natalie said...

I'm waiting for an update....SOOOOO????? How's he feeling about it all!!!

Karla said...

You've been in our prayers!! Hope you passed!! Stay busy these next 6 weeks - it'll go faster!!!